I was asked if, based on the video from BBC http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-25635140, the idea to try to clean up the bay with boats is feasible until the Olympic games? So I carried together a few assumptions to make a rough estimate. Please do not take this for granted as it is based on very little available information. I hope that other measures are additionally taken on land to reduce the litter entering the water body but this might take longer time than hitting the target 2016 to have a clean bay. Just cleaning alone will not create a sustaining improvement. I made just some rough assumptions based on technical economical point of view and based on the BBC video (click more to read). I can't make any remarks concerning impact on the environment. The info which I got from the video:
Conclusion: If such a venture focuses on the hot spots and would drive with the small units systematically along the shore and focus on hot spots plus using the bigger one to drive in a ZIG ZAG manner across the bay it can work and before 2016. With total cost of around 3 to 4 million it seems to fit into the 840 million total budget below the 5% line which might make sense for something that is for fixing the effects but not to cure the source. The system needs good navigation to stay effective (GPS tracking to record surface coverage + fluid particle simulation + a few fast boats to monitor and identify hot spots). As the water is in constant movement it is hard to clean an area. But this is true for every solution. And at the given traffic in the bay a big solution is not handy. A river mouth solutions could change that.
November 2014
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